SUNx Malta, TOTA, and Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office are co-hosting the first ever climate friendly youth travel summit in April 2021. The ‘Strong Earth Youth Summit’ (SEYS) will include virtual lectures, workshops and other educational activities aimed at highlighting the need for a clean and green post-Covid future for the tourism sector, in accordance with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and 2050 Paris Agreement.
SEYS will focus on creating awareness of Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) and on fostering ways to encourage changes for a resilient Travel & Tourism future. It aims to promote climate hope in the recovery of the tourism industry through awareness and education, youth empowerment, and engagement and action.
SEYS is designed for tomorrow's leaders by tomorrow's leaders – the event will be created by 45 students from 30 countries of the Climate Friendly Travel Diploma Course with ITS Malta, to be meaningful and attractive for the Greta Thunberg crowd.
SEYS will identify the core issues for the post–pandemic green and clean tourism sector. The students are putting together a fast and fun program, with engaging speakers, who will captivate a global youth leadership audience.
The Summit will include virtual tours, interactive workshops, seminars, challenges, presentations, networking, and question and answer sessions, as well as an information session on the Climate Friendly Travel Diploma and Climate Friendly Travel Registry.
SEYS will honour the vision and contribution of the late Maurice Strong, the architect of the UN Sustainable Development and Climate Framework for half a century, and inspiration for SUNx Malta and its Climate Friendly Travel System.
SEYS will also launch the Strong Awards to encourage students to profile Breakthrough Innovations in Climate Friendly Travel, together with Les Roches Hospitality School.
For more information on SEYS or to register, visit