CECRA Advocacy Letters

The BCRTS is gathering CECRA advocacy letters to deliver to the Finance Minister. As CECRA funding is greatly under-subscribed, there is an opportunity to adjust and expand the ways in which the program can help businesses and our stakeholders. The federal gov't is asking for letters that 'humanize' the situation facing business owners and demonstrate how suggested program changes would help them.


Here are tips for writing advocacy letters and a sample format to save time:

  • Write short, concise letters: Try to keep your letter to one page. The shorter, the better.

  • Be courteous: Be careful to write as though the recipient would be concerned and wish to help.

  • Remain non-partisan: Avoid making partisan political or religious comments.

  • Sign and date your letter: Date your letter and include your name and address on the letter.

  • Tell your story: Introduce yourself and briefly describe your business operations. Explain how you and your business is suffering due to a lack of access to CECRA funds. Outline direct and exact impacts (imminent bankruptcy, business closure, staff layoffs, eviction, e.t.c). Speak from your experience and paint a clear and concise picture of the situation you face if the government doesn’t act. Ask for the change you wish to see ( see CECRA talking points).

CECRA talking points:

Focus on one or two that best align with your business, barriers, and would have the most positive impact on your situation. Choose from the list below or add your own ideas!)

  • Increase access to the program by allowing tenants to directly access their share of CECRA support through the program without requiring an cooperation or an application from the property owner.

  • Fix CECRA by:

  • simplifying the application process

  • expanding the number of months CECRA covers, without requiring application or enrollment in the previous months

  • reducing the 70% revenue loss criteria ○ Extend the CECRA program immediately to keep active the provincial temporary moratorium on commercial evictions for tenants otherwise in good standing with landlords.

  • Expand access to and application of CECRA funds to include operators of marine-based businesses with moorage, foreshore lease and tenure.

Sample Format

To: The Honourable Chystia Freeland, P.C., Minister of Finance

CC: The Honourable Mary Ng, P.C., Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade; The Honourable Mélanie Joly, P.C., Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages


Dear Minister, Re: Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)

[your story and ask]


Your Name

Business Name
