SDG 9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


Actions for SDG 9

Participate in initiatives aimed at improving sustainable infrastructures and planning of the territory ⬇

  • Build infrastructure with eco-friendly materials
  • Prevent the generation of night noises
  • Support the construction of multifunctional spaces
  • Invest in local infrastructure projects to encourage enjoyment of the neighborhood community

Guarantee access to infrastructure for Residents ⬇

  • Help to make the neighbourhood and community where you are located more attractive
  • Support projects that create public facilities that benefit local residents
  • Install signaling adapted to all types of functional diversity.
  • Promote innovation by giving all stakeholders the opportunity to offer creative solutions to sustainability challenges. Further scope out the good ideas and offer awards to the best
  • Consult and engage a wide range of stakeholders, including minority groups, to ensure that infrastructure development benefits and creates opportunities for all

Promote the use of new technologies to encourage sustainable local activities ⬇

  • Make use of video conferences to minimize unnecessary travel
  • Implement the use of more efficient technologies throughout value chain
  • Implement the use of more efficient technologies to inform your customers
  • Support local innovation projects
  • Have a manager responsible for research, development and innovation (R+D+I)
  • Have a technological customer service system (live chat, etc.)
  • Reduce paper consumption through the use of new technologies
  • The digital marketing strategy supports the culture of sustainable development
  • Establish standards and promote regulation that ensure company projects and initiatives are sustainably managed

Plan for resilience to eventualities and catastrophes ⬇

  • Perform emergency simulations outlined in your occupational risk prevention plan
  • Offer training courses to prepare your staff for potential emergency situations
  • Implement emergency protocols
  • Review the management protocols of your value chain for weak links
  • Promote a digital culture to be more agile and resilient to change

SDG 9 in Canada

Government of Canada’s long-term Investing in Canada Plan ⬇

  • A clean environment and a strong economy go hand-in-hand. To help advance Canada’s efforts to build a clean economy, the Government of Canada’s long-term Investing in Canada Plan will provide more than $180 billion in infrastructure funding.
  • Over the 12 years of the Plan, from 2016, the Government will more than double existing federal funding to generate long-term economic growth, help improve the resilience of communities, transition to a clean growth economy and improve social inclusion and socio-economic outcomes for all Canadians.

Canada’s Federal Sustainable Development Strategy ⬇

  • Significant investments will be made in priorities such as access to safe water and clean air, affordable housing and child care, clean electricity grid interconnections, trade and transportation infrastructure, rural and northern infrastructure, and new urban transit networks.
  • As outlined in Canada’s Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, by the end of 2025-2026 the Government of Canada aims to invest $20 billion in funding for green infrastructure initiatives that reduce GHG emissions and improve climate resilience and environmental quality.

Canada’s National Housing Strategy ⬇

  • Canada has one of the best housing systems in the world. But some 1.7 million families still do not have a home that meets their basic needs.
  • Through Canada’s National Housing Strategy, the Government will invest more than $11.2 billion in a range of initiatives designed to build, renew and repair Canada’s stock of affordable housing and help to ensure that Canadians have adequate and affordable housing that meets their needs.
  • This includes $225 million to improve housing conditions for Indigenous people not living on reserve.

Investing in Canada Plan & Indigenous Communities ⬇

  • Basic infrastructure needs that most Canadians take for granted are missing in many Indigenous communities.
  • To address these gaps, the Government of Canada is working with First Nations governments and communities to support the adequate and sustainable housing, clean drinking water and community infrastructure such as schools, roads and wastewater systems that are essential to healthy, safe and prosperous communities.
  • Through its Investing in Canada Plan, the Government of Canada will support the construction and improvement of housing, water treatment systems, health facilities and other community infrastructure in partnership with Indigenous peoples

Innovation and Skills Plan ⬇

  • The Innovation and Skills Plan recognizes that together we are stronger.
  • The Plan is founded on a partnership that spans the innovation ecosystem and includes the private sector, research institutions, universities, colleges, not-for-profit organizations and Indigenous organizations.
  • Its development was based on extensive engagement with Canadians and the work of the Economic Growth Council.

Canada’s engagement with stakeholders on innovation and skills development ⬇

  • One example of Canada’s engagement with stakeholders on innovation and skills development is the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, which the Government of Canada funds to cement Canada’s position as a world leader in artificial intelligence.
  • The $125 million strategy will attract and retain top academic talent in Canada, increase the number of post-graduate trainees and researchers studying artificial intelligence, and promote collaboration between Canada’s main centres of expertise in Edmonton, Montréal and Toronto–Waterloo.

Latest Updates/Resources related to SDG 9


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