Conservation Initiative (TNCI)
Workshops and Launch | April 2021
Credit: Destination BC/Tanya Goehring | Kamloops
The goal of the workshops and launch events in April 2021 is to establish an independent, multi-party, member-driven regional collaborative conservation body, based on the Phase 1 research and drawing inspiration from the experience of other BC regions.
If you wish to attend and haven’t yet signed up yet, please contact Jamie Leathem, TNCI Working Group, to receive a calendar invitation. or 778-622-6834.
*PLEASE NOTE: Workshops 2A and 2B are identical, so please sign up for EITHER 2A OR 2B. We are offering two dates, hoping that everyone can attend one of them.
Please review the Situation Analysis and Lessons Learned reports (click on titles) before the workshops as the basis for our discussions!
Zoom Workshop #1 | Tue. April 6, 9:30am – 12pm
Introductions, Icebreakers, interview and research results! (*See reports below)
Zoom Workshop #2A **sign up/attend only one of these (2A or 2B) | Fri. April 9, 9am – 12pm
Small group work: Discuss structure, scope, and focus of the regional conservation partnership
Zoom Workshop #2B **sign up/attend only one of these (2A or 2B) | Tue. April 13, 1-4pm
Small groups: Discuss group structure, scope, and focus of the regional conservation partnership
Zoom Workshop #3 | Tue April 20, 9:30am – 12pm
Summarize decisions, define next steps and identify participants and roles
Powerpoint Presentations for Download
TNCI Launch Event #1: Situation Analysis PPT
Credit: Richard Doucette | Douglas Lake Area
What? The TNCI was started in March 2020 to explore options for greater support for, and collaboration among, groups doing conservation work in the Thompson-Nicola (T-N) region, including the possibility of a regional conservation partnership, similar to others in BC.
Who? It was initiated by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD), with start-up funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service (ECCC-CWS). In April 2021, the TNCI will be launched as a member-driven collaborative organization, independent of government.
Credit: Robyn Reudink | Grassland with sagebrush mariposa lilies
Why? ECCC has identified 11 Priority Places for biodiversity conservation in Canada, including the BC Dry Interior. The T-N region comprises 45% of the Dry Interior and contains provincially, nationally and globally significant biodiversity values, including many species and ecosystems at risk. For example, the grassland ecosystem covers only 1% of the province but has over 30% of the species at risk.
When? In Phase 1, March 2020 to March 2021, consultants conducted background research, directed by an ad hoc Working Group, including 80 interviews with over 60 organizations. Results from the interviews show overwhelming support for the idea of a conservation partnership!