International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO)

TOTA is a proud Member of the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO), a collaboration between the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and 40+ tourism areas around the world committed to monitoring sustainable tourism development at the destination level.


TOTA’s Commitment

In October 2019, TOTA became the first Canadian destination to join INSTO.

As an observatory, TOTA is committed to the ongoing monitoring and reporting of 11 core issue areas sustainable tourism indicators outlined in the INSTO framework. The areas are:

  • Tourism Seasonality

  • Employment

  • Destination Economic Benefits

  • Governance

  • Local Satisfaction

  • Energy Management

  • Water Management

  • Waste Water Management

  • Solid Waste Management

  • Accessibility

  • Climate Action


TOTA compiles and submits annual reports with the help of partner organizations, local municipalities, post secondary institutions, and Indigenous communities.

The objective is to stimulate ongoing sustainable growth in tourism through the continued implementation of measurement and management practices to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of the region.

Overview of INSTO

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) is a network of tourism observatories monitoring the economic, environmental and social impact of tourism at the destination level.

Created in 2004, the initiative is based on UNWTO’s long-standing commitment to the sustainable and resilient growth of the sector through measurement and monitoring, supporting the evidence-based management of tourism.

INSTO seeks to support and connect destinations that are committed to regular monitoring of economic, environmental, and social impacts of tourism, to unlock the power of evidence-based decision making at the destination-level, fostering sustainable tourism practices locally and globally.

The global network of INSTO observatories are pioneering and implementing, very often for the first time, catalytic activities designed to help the tourism sector implement sustainable development at the destination level. Together, they are leading the transformation of tourism by building on the principles of participatory approaches including all stakeholders to ensure an inclusive and resilient tourism development.

There are over 35 INSTO observatories around the world. The Yukon joined in 2022 and is the only other Canadian observatory.

Benefits for Businesses and Communities

TOTA’s approach to measuring sustainable indicators provides a snapshot of the impact tourism has on the region. TOTA aggregates the data with the objective to provide tangible insights to regional tourism businesses and communities to understand baseline metrics as well as opportunities to improve their sustainable practices. The insights derived from this research will be provided in an easy to understand digital dashboard, the Tourism Impact Portal.

The Tourism Impact Portal is a result of the ongoing efforts by the participating regions to ensure and foster sustainable tourism development in the province. This central, online dashboard provides easy to understand, key insights about tourism development in the province to support well-informed decisions for a sustainable future.

Understanding the responsibility that tourism holds in safeguarding and strengthening healthy spaces for communities and visitors alike, the participating regions are committed to increase and improve the information landscape by facilitating access for all stakeholders to economic, environmental and social insights and creating more transparency overall.