SDG 17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development


Actions for SDG 17

Participate in a local or global sustainability network or alliance ⬇

  • Collaborate with local organizations
  • Enter into agreements with companies that participate in sustainability networks
  • Collaborate with the public administration on sustainable projects
  • Actively participate in local, regional or international sustainability committees

Facilitate the exchange of good practices and knowledge in the company ⬇

  • Share sustainable experiences with other companies
  • Have a digital environment, where your share sustainability experiences

Collaborate with academic institutions or other entities on initiatives for innovative sustainable development ⬇

  • Communicate innovative technology projects applicable to the local community
  • Help young professionals complement their training with paid internships and scholarships at the company
  • Offer explanatory talks in schools and institutes
  • Make agreements so that students from different universities can carry out their internships with your organization

SDG 17 in Canada

Canada commit to SDG 17 through partnerships, innovative financing, science and technology transfers and data transparency ⬇

  • Canada supports meaningful and active engagement with the civil society sector and continues to be a strong advocate for fostering a safe and enabling environment in which civil society can thrive around the world. These priorities are affirmed in Canada’s Policy for Civil Society Partnerships for International Assistance – A Feminist Approach (the CSO Policy), which outlines Canada’s commitment to working collaboratively with the civil society sector. Launched in September 2017, the CSO Policy ensures that Canada’s approach to partnerships with civil society is aligned with the Feminist International Assistance Policy, placing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls at the CSO Policy’s heart, and under the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A joint advisory group between civil society organizations and Global Affairs Canada was established to support effective CSO Policy implementation and encourage discussions on CSO Policy implementation in an open and collaborative environment.
  • Canada’s International Development Research Centre supports Southern Voice, a network of 50 think tanks from Africa, Asia and Latin America that addresses existing knowledge and power imbalances by supporting more inclusive participation of different actors in global development debates. It leverages quality, local data and evidence generated by the Global South to give them a voice and increase the impact of the 2030 Agenda. Southern Voice recently launched the State of the SDGs Initiative, which aims to improve the SDG review process and promote learning based on contextualized knowledge; its first report is expected in July 2019.
  • Canada has been steadily expanding its engagement with the private sector, in support of sustainable development, including through policy forums like the 2018 G7 presidency and Group of Friends of SDG Financing, as well as through a growing number of partnerships with the private sector and innovative development policy and programming.
  • Canada is also expanding its toolkit to support private-sector engagement and resource mobilization in support of the SDGs. To this end, Canada is drafting new policy guidance to engage the private sector and facilitate private investment, both in Canada through a social innovation and social finance strategy, and in frontier markets with an innovative financing policy to implement the Feminist International Assistance Policy.
  • Through the Women’s Program, the Government supports Canadian organizations working at the national, regional and local levels to create conditions for success for women in Canada. The Women’s Program facilitates collaboration and networking, develops partnerships to address horizontal issues affecting women and girls, shares knowledge and helps eligible organizations to gain access to expertise, resources and tools. The 2018 federal budget announced an additional $100 million over 5 years to enhance the Program’s
  • Official development assistance: As set out in the Feminist International Assistance Policy, the Government targets international assistance to the poorest and most vulnerable. With half of the world’s poorest citizens living in sub-Saharan Africa, Canada committed to ensure that 50% of its bilateral international development assistance is directed to sub-Saharan African countries by 2021-2022. Canada’s international assistance exceeds $5 billion annually. The 2018 federal budget announced an additional $2 billion in new funding for international assistance over 5 years to support implementation of the Policy. Through this policy, Canada prioritizes the investments, partnerships and advocacy efforts that have the greatest potential to close gender gaps, eliminate barriers to gender equality and help achieve the SDGs.

Applying science and technology to sustainable development challenges ⬇

  • Strengthening the capacity of publicly funded science granting councils is critical for making continued gains in global science, technology and innovation (STI) development. Canada’s 5-year, Science Granting Councils Initiative strengthens the capacity of 15 sub-Saharan science granting councils to monitor research programs based on robust STI indicators, promote knowledge exchange with the private sector and establish partnerships with other science systems.
  • Canada’s IDRC launched initiatives to provide targeted funding for earlycareer women scientists (including in Indigenous communities) to address gender discrimination and sexual harassment at work, strengthen work–life balance and manage implicit bias to accessing funding. Current recipients are the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World, the National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Latest Updates/Resources Related to SDG 17

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