SDG 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels


Actions for SDG 16

Promote social actions involving all stakeholders ⬇

  • Inform all suppliers of the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle model.
  • Develop a corporate manual that informs about the legal framework and rules of action and behavior in your organization.
  • Hire expert sustainable development managers
  • Promote the participation of employees and customers in the sustainable development of the company
  • Provide employees with a platform for participation in sustainable development
  • Transparent in delivering information to your customers

Feature a system of indicators that allows to evaluate the continuous improvement in sustainability ⬇

  • Develop a system of short-, medium- and long-term indicators for sustainability
  • Quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure sustainability
  • Publicly report on your sustainability goals
  • Seek continuous improvement at the social, economic, environmental level

Feature mechanisms to measure the level of customer satisfaction ⬇

  • Conduct customer satisfaction surveys in a digital format
  • Conduct surveys of the level of the sustainable culture of your organization
  • Analyze the data from the satisfaction survey to improve accordingly

Adequately inform visitors about services and infrastructures of public interest ⬇

  • Periodically review the information offered to visitors to improve it
  • Promote local companies that may be of interest to the visitor
  • Offer maps for visitors to explore by foot or bike
  • Provide a list of phone numbers of interest to the visitor (buses, taxi, bike rentals, etc.)
  • Inform about places of local cultural and architectural interest

Adequately inform customers about sustainable commitments ⬇

  • Report your sustainability plan to all employees
  • Publish your sustainability plan on our website

Feature policies that avoid any type of exploitation in the sector ⬇

  • Welcome policies against abuse and exploitation of any kind
  • Fight against all kinds of corruption
  • Have a reporting mailbox for any type of exploitation introducing employees to the company's occupational risk prevention plan

Feature a system of indicators to measure the quality in the organization ⬇

  • Hire companies that guarantee the quality of their products and services.
  • Employees should have their own guidelines and manuals in order to ensure the correct provision of the services

SDG 16 in Canada

Canadian Context ⬇

  • Homicide rates in Canada have been declining on the whole since the 1990s, though gang-related homicides have increased over the last two years. The majority of Canadians are satisfied (50%) or very satisfied (38%) with their personal safety from crime.
  • However, women—especially young women—feel less safe than men and are more likely to take steps to protect themselves. Immigrants and racialized communities also generally had a lower sense of safety than other Canadians.
  • Indigenous women and girls in Canada are disproportionately affected by all forms of violence. Numerous reports and studies on violence toward Indigenous women in Canada have identified underlying causes, including socioeconomic factors such as poverty and homelessness, as well as historic factors such as racism, sexism, the legacy of colonialism and the devastation caused by the Indian Residential School system.

  • Marginalized and vulnerable groups may have greater difficulty accessing justice. They may face multiple barriers, including language issues, a lack of legal literacy, weaker social networks and a lack of resources. It is also a greater challenge to access justice in remote areas of the country where the justice infrastructure is not available.

Rising to the challenge ⬇

  • Check Your Head is a youthdriven, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to educate, activate and empower young people to engage in justice movements to create a more equitable, democratic and sustainable future. By supporting youth leadership in advancing the SDGs, in collaboration with educational institutions, community organizations and others, they ensure that young people’s voices are included in a meaningful way, and that there are opportunities for all to engage.
  • National security : The Government of Canada is reviewing its national security framework to improve the accountability and effectiveness of national security and intelligence agencies, and ensure that the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion underpin all activities. The Government is also developing new national security legislation that strikes a balance between protecting fundamental rights and protecting the safety and security of Canadians. The Government is taking action to increase the representation of women and other under-represented groups in fields such as the judiciary, law enforcement, security and intelligence.
  • In 2017, the Government of Canada launched the Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence to provide national leadership on Canada’s efforts to prevent radicalization to violence. The Canada Centre is working with all levels of government, civil society organizations, international partners, the private sector, academia, youth, law enforcement and front-line practitioners to develop programs tailored to local needs and strengths, and to evaluate what works and does not, for countering radicalization to violence.
  • Crime prevention: Through the National Crime Prevention Strategy, Canada supports the implementation of communitybased crime prevention initiatives that address early risk factors among vulnerable populations and respond to priority crime issues, such as youth gangs/violence, hate crimes, bullying/ cyberbullying and exit strategies for prostitution. Canada also provides funding to enhance the safety of Indigenous women and girls and to support the rehabilitation and reintegration of Indigenous offenders through Aboriginal Community Safety Planning and the Indigenous Community Corrections Initiative.
  • Preventing and addressing violence, discrimination and harassment: The Government of Canada is taking action to eliminate genderbased violence. In June 2017, the Government launched It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence, a whole-of-government response to GBV based on prevention, support for survivors and their families and promotion of responsive legal and justice systems.

Thompson OkanaganStage 4