SDG 4 - Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Actions for SDG 4
Provide adequate training to the real needs of the employees ⬇
- Perform a needs analysis to design an appropriate training plan
- Have an annual budget to train staff
- Offer extraorinary formation to the staff, for emergency cases
- Have strategic agreements with the applicable training centres
- Provide employees with continuous opportunities to improve their (job) skills for their current and future employment
Promote educational activities and dissemination of information on sustainable development issues in our environment ⬇
- Feature signs and posters with sustainable content in your facility
- Participate in sustainability workshops and events
- Promote a culture of sustainability among your employees
Collaborate with third parties on projects related to educational sustainability inside and outside the company ⬇
- Deliver educational projects on sustainability
- Parcipate in sustainable development educational projects
- Donate or recycle your old electronic equipment
- Collaborate on social projects to support schools in the region
- Promote scholarships on the topic of "Sustainable Development"
Provide a safe, effective learning environment ⬇
- Establish relationships with government entities and higher education institutions to improve education curricula to better align with business needs including responsible management.
- Create programs (e.g., internships, work-study programs, traineeships, etc.) that give students earlier access to the corporate environment
- Develop cost-effective education products and services that eliminate barriers to access and improve the quality of learning (e.g., ICT solutions to improve the delivery of education, innovative measurement tools, etc.)
- Ensure learning environments are clean and safe for children by mitigating business-related environmental hazards, like pollution and limited water access
SDG 4 in Canada
Gender gap still exist ⬇
- Higher levels of educational attainment have translated into higher wages for women, but gaps remain in both workforce participation and earnings. Canada still experiences a high degree of academic and therefore occupational gender segregation.
- Two thirds of post-secondary graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics are male, with an even greater disparity in engineering and computer science programs and skilled trades.
- Three quarters of enrolments and graduates in health care (e.g. nursing, pharmacy) and education are female.
Gender segregation in education leads to less gender diversity across occupations and limits career opportunities for women (and men) in certain academic and vocational disciplines.
Indigenous students still face barriers to accessing education ⬇
- Through the Indian Residential School system, Indigenous peoples in Canada were subjected to discriminatory and severely harsh government-sanctioned and churchrun education in the past.
- Prime Minister Trudeau’s apology on behalf of the Government of Canada and the people of Canada is backed up with several initiatives to ensure Indigenous cultural, health and educational needs are identified and addressed, but Indigenous students still face barriers to accessing education.
Early childhood learning and development ⬇
- Investing in early childhood learning and child-care systems is one of the best investments that governments can make to strengthen social and economic outcomes
- The Government of Canada is working with Indigenous peoples to develop the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework,
- Once developed, the Framework will strengthen early childhood learning and child-care programs and supports for Indigenous children and their families, support greater self-determination, improve socio-economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples and contribute to the process of reconciliation
Latest Updates/Resources related to SDG 4
Feb 3rd - TOTA & Vancouver Renewable Energy Cooperative (VREC) Webinar
Energy Efficiency | Solar energy
Government of Canada, Canada’s Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Voluntary National Review, 2018
SDG Compass, Learn More About the SDGs, 2015